Polar Bears: A Closer Look at the King of the Arctic

  • By: Wildlife Blogging
  • Date: February 1, 2023
  • Time to read: 11 min.

Polar Bears A Closer Look at the King of the Arctic

Polar Bears have become an iconic symbol of the Arctic region. These powerful and majestic animals have captivated the hearts of millions worldwide. Their unique adaptations and behaviors have made them one of the most exciting species to study.

This article will take a closer look at the king of the Arctic – the Polar Bear.

Overview of Polar Bears

Polar bears have long been a symbol of the icy and unforgiving Arctic wilderness – majestic and powerful, patiently enduring along the edge of one of the harshest environments on Earth. But as a fascination with this magnificent species continues to grow, it’s become increasingly difficult to get an accurate picture of their life in their element and learn more about their unique physical and social characteristics.

The polar bear is the largest carnivore on land, inhabiting some of the coldest climates in the world. Polar bears can endure these icy temperatures thanks to their thick fur, consisting of two layers: a dense underfur made up of tiny hairs called guard hairs that extend up to 3 inches long. This results in a coat that insulates them from subfreezing temperatures while remaining flexible when moving quickly through frozen terrain. In addition, adult males have longer guard hairs that are coarser than those on female polar bears.

Aside from their remarkable coat, polar bears possess various features that allow them to survive in punishing weather conditions. Their feet act as natural snowshoes for traversing snowy terrain; their comparative lightness for their size allows them to stay afloat when swimming – something even more advantageous when searching for prey or crossing larger expanses of water with their cubs in tow. The silvery black circles outlined in white you often see featured around its eyes are heat-retaining specialties designed to capture heat from sunlight instead of being lost through evaporation like other mammals’ eyes would be prone to do repeatedly over time if outer coats weren’t protecting them. Finally, like all marine mammals whales, dolphins, and seals included – polar bears possess a distinctive layer surrounding each hair follicle called a ‘Zeis gland,’ which secretes oil that helps reduce friction between strands, reducing any build-up of freezing precipitation as they move around during extreme weather conditions.

Physical Characteristics

Polar bears have several physical features which help them survive their extreme environment, the Arctic. They have thick fur – a mix of long guard hairs and short, dense undercoats – which insulates them from the cold temperatures. These white fur coats provide camouflage while hunting seals on the ice since they blend in with the surrounding snow or water. Underneath their fur are warm layers of fat that help keep heat in. They also possess two distinctive adaptations for swimming: webbed feet and a large, flat head that helps reduce drag against the water.

The average adult male may range from 7–8 feet in length and weigh 600 to 1,300 pounds; females typically weigh between 330 and 650 pounds and are slightly smaller than males. Polar bear cubs begin life as tiny creatures, weighing just one pound when born; however, they can quickly reach 175-to-200 pounds by their first birthday! Large paws also make excellent paddles for swimming but work very well on land for walking and digging den-like holes for hibernation. Moreover, when the temperature drops below -50°F, it is common to see polar bears walking around to keep warm if needed!


Polar bears spend between 50 to 70 percent of their lives on land, while they spend the remainder in the sea, mostly floating on sea ice. The species is well-adapted to its environment and depends on sea ice to survive. They inhabit the circumpolar Arctic, which includes land and sea areas in Russia, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Norway.

Let’s explore in more detail the habitat of these majestic creatures:

Polar Bear Habitats

Polar bears live primarily on top of the frozen Arctic Ocean, on sheets of sea ice with sharp edges constantly shifting and breaking apart. They spend most of the year on sea ice, hunting for seals – their primary prey. In some places, such as Alaska, Canada, and Russia, polar bears will also venture onto land. On rare occasions, they have been known to wade extensively in shallow Arctic rivers and lakes to catch fish; this has been documented more often in Greenland than elsewhere.

A polar bear’s home range can be massive: some males patrol an area 300 miles long! But a bear’s suite of habitats is small and specialized:

  • pack ice
  • land denning areas suitable for giving birth to cubs (usually composed of snowdrifts or other temporary shelters)
  • sites used for resting between hunts or journeys at sea.

Polar bears are strongly linked with their unique habitats; if these areas decline or disappear, so may the species.

Threats To Polar Bear Habitats

As the Arctic rapidly changes due to climate change, the habitats of polar bears are becoming increasingly threatened. Polar bears inhabit the Arctic ice and require vast amounts of sea ice each year to find food and pup dependent on a frozen sea surface for protection from predators. As temperatures rise, sea ice declines, and water temperatures increase, polar bear populations face substantial habitat declines.

The summer melting of Arctic sea ice is happening faster than ever before. It is increasingly challenging for polar bears to protect their cubs from predators, access natural food sources and avoid contact with humans as the remaining sea ice continues to diminish. These changes in habitat put polar bear populations at risk as they struggle to adapt to a new environment that is becoming less suitable for survival each year.

Additionally, human encroachment onto habitats forces the displacement of these large mammals, which can cause interference with their ability to hunt and breed successfully while threatening them directly with poaching, pollution, and noise disturbance. Human reliance on petroleum-based products has increased noise disturbance caused by oil exploration activities. This can lead to inconvenient disruptions in breeding grounds or potential destruction of dens due to seismic testing leading to possible abandonment of litters.

Therefore there are multiple threats facing polar bear habitats today, which could lead not only to population declines but also major extinctions if left unchecked or unmanaged safely for these majestic animals’ population sizes and current habitats to remain intact.


As the King of the Arctic, what does the polar bear need to eat to survive? Polar bears have uniquely adapted carnivores, meaning they are meat-eaters, but their diet differs from what most people expect. They feed on various food, from fish and seals to plants and even human food waste.

Let’s take a closer look at the polar bear’s diet and what they need to survive in their harsh Arctic environment:

What Polar Bears Eat

Polar bears are apex predators in the Arctic marine ecosystem, meaning that polar bears have no natural predators. Nearly every species in the marine habitat is a potential food item. The primary diet of polar bears consists of ringed seals, bearded seals, and harp seals, although many other species are also consumed when available. Polar bears also eat walrus calves and scavenge on whale carcasses that wash ashore from winter storms.

To supplement their carnivorous diet, polar bears will consume a wide variety of plant matter, such as berries and vegetation, when they are accessible or when marine prey is unavailable. Not only can they detect whiffs of seal-breathing holes up to 1 mile away – they can even smell signs of a seal den underneath 3 feet of snow! While polar bear cubs tend to depend upon their mothers’ capture and consumption of smaller prey, such as seals or goose eggs, adult polar bears hunt considerably larger prey, such as walruses or even beluga whales, if conditions allow them to do so.

Although these large predators have an impressive repertoire for locating, pursuing, and capturing their prey, climate change represents one significant factor contributing to great declines in their fat storage and eventual survival rate, with many further impacts projected for future generations too.

Impact of Climate Change on Polar Bear Diets

Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are the apex predator of the Arctic and the largest terrestrial carnivore in the world. They feed primarily on seals but also supplement their diet with seafood, including fish, shellfish, and birds. While their diets are from day to day inconsistent and unpredictable, they have evolved to become proficient hunters that require massive amounts of energy to survive in the harsh arctic environment.

Unfortunately, because of climate change, sea ice melts more quickly each year, reducing hunting opportunities. Polar bears can no longer access much of their traditional prey, including seals that migrate and hunt with them on top of the frozen seas unpredictably. This has forced them to deteriorate rapidly in terms of body condition – leading to declines in body size – as they rely increasingly on terrestrial food sources like small rodents or birds. In western Hudson Bay, for example, researchers estimate that polar bear diets have shifted away from seals by over 50%.

In addition to inconsistent prey availability due to climate change-induced sea ice loss, other factors contribute to changes in polar bear diets, such as pollution where heavily contaminated or prey items may become tainted with toxins or compounds such as mercury and PCBs released into water bodies. These potentially dangerous contaminants may directly affect polar bear foraging behavior by reducing their ability to detect odors used for locating food. Well, pollutants may accumulate through specific food types taken from different Arctic environments increasing potential risk when consumed by predators or human beings who consume those same contaminates passed along the food chain.


Polar Bears are an iconic symbol of the Arctic. They are the apex predator in the region and are considered one of the largest species on earth. To keep its population going, reproduction is essential. As such, let’s take a closer look at the reproduction process of the polar bear to learn more about this fascinating species.

Polar Bear Mating Habits

Polar bears mate during April and May as they emerge from the den, or substrate den. Females generally reach sexual maturity between 4 and 6 years, and males between 5 and 7. The breeding season is much shorter than other bear species due to the colder environment in which they live.

When mating, polar bears undergo delayed implantation – meaning it does not occur immediately. The fertilized egg does not implant itself in the uterus wall for about seven months after mating until November or December, when conditions are ideal for raising a cub. The mother will give birth to a single cub or twin cubs ranging from 1-1/2 to 2 pounds each and 8-11 inches long.

The mother provides all nourishment and protection for her cub(s) over the first 18 to 24 months before weaning. During this time, she teaches them skills necessary for survival, such as fishing and collecting food sources. After two years, she leaves them alone to focus on her physical needs. Polar bears reach full maturity when they are approximately 4-5 years old, living an average life span of up to 25 years in the wild.

Polar Bear Cubs

Polar bear cubs are born in litters of one to three cubs and are about the size of a stick of butter. They are not born with a protective coat or the layer of fat that adult polar bears depend on for warmth and travel. Instead, their downy white fur keeps them cozy in the den during the cold winter months.

Although uncoordinated and unable to walk at birth, baby polar bears learn quickly from their mother how to survive in their frigid environment. When they emerge from the den at around three months old, they already have fur suitable for swimming, can eat solid foods, and are learning the behaviors that will carry them through adulthood.

By ten weeks of age, the pre-weaned cubs exhibit most of the behavior patterns typical of adult night marchers including:

  • Conservation of energy by walking only when necessary.
  • Selecting an appropriate diet, including seal blubber as an essential food source.
  • Searching out safe den sites like snow walls or pressure ridges and possible variations among populations or individual bears.

Weaning occurs between 7-9 months, and by eleven months old, it is anticipated that young polar bear cubs will be capable enough to hunt for themselves independently – although the mom stays nearby for support in her important role as teacher and protector.


As the King of the Arctic, polar bears are one of the world’s most beloved and iconic animals. Unfortunately, they are also at risk due to climate change and other human activities. Conservation of polar bears is essential if we want to ensure their survival.

This section will explore the various ways we can help polar bears and the challenges they face in their environment:

International Conservation Efforts

International conservation efforts to protect polar bears have spanned decades. These efforts were prompted by two main factors: a dramatic decline in polar bear population sizes observed worldwide and the increasing awareness that the loss of these animals would mean a loss of biodiversity.

Reasons for population decline included threats from climate change, habitat destruction and pollution, overhunting, and legal hunting. In 1973, the United States listed polar bears as threatened species under their Endangered Species Act, followed by Canada declaring them threatened in 1991 after it accepted an international accord called the Agreement on Conservation of Polar Bears.

The Agreement on Conservation of Polar Bears was ratified by five states (Canada, Denmark, Norway, Russia, and the United States) and established as a legally-binding international treaty in October 1996. It committed each signatory state to protect habitats critical to their populations’ survival and regulate activities that may harm them through:

  • Reduction in legal hunting. Only parties or native communities can hunt for subsistence;
  • Pollution control;
  • Understanding how environmental changes might affect them;
  • Managing human-bear conflicts;
  • Cooperating between countries, so that bear populations are treated together regardless of national boundaries;
  • Conducting research; and
  • Ensuring safe viewing opportunities for people without threatening bear populations.

What You Can Do To Help Protect Polar Bears

Polar bears are considered one of the most iconic animals of the Arctic and are a species under threat from ongoing climate change, habitat loss, and hunting. As the number of polar bears continues to decline, it is increasingly important to take action and protect this magnificent creature.

One of the most significant steps you can take is to reduce your carbon footprint by making greener choices, such as reducing resource consumption, utilizing more efficient transportation options, and purchasing goods made from sustainable materials. Additionally, it is essential to stay informed about regulations related to wildlife conservation so that you can advocate for their protection at a local and global level.

For those interested in directly supporting polar bear research and conservation efforts, several organizations are dedicated entirely to the cause, such as Polar Bears International, The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Conservation International (CI), and other local initiatives. Other specific actions you can take in support of polar bear conservation include joining campaigns against Arctic drilling projects or purchasing items that benefit field research, like tags or collars that record information on penguin movement and behavior.

You can also help preserve polar bears’ habitats by spreading awareness among family members, friends, neighbors, or coworkers about how they might help too! By taking even just these simple steps, we all have the opportunity to do our part in helping ensure that future generations will be able to interact with these majestic animals for many years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How big do polar bears get?
A1: Adult polar bears can range from 7 to 10 feet in length, with males being larger than females. They can weigh up to 1,500 pounds.

Q2: What do polar bears eat?
A2: Polar bears are carnivorous and mainly eat seals. They also eat walruses, fish, birds, and other small animals.

Q3: Where do polar bears live?
A3: Polar bears are native to the Arctic Circle in Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Norway. They live in treeless areas near the coasts.


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